
Connor 2023-04-18 阅读:184

1、理财Financing指的是对财务财产和债务进行管理,以实现财务的保值增值为目的理财分为公司理财机构理财个人理财和家庭理财等理财和学校财务管理专业相似理财英文Financial management或Financing“海外贸易”;quotAnt Familyquot “蚂蚁族”Cricket Family quot蟋蟀族”quotSnailsquot “蜗牛族”Ci Wu Family quot 慈乌族”;是的,或者financial planning 也可以望采纳;理财的翻译是wealth management,就是财富管理 因此,融资理财,如果要简单,那就直接finance management,类似于财务管理 如果复杂点,financing and wealth management。


2、你好,理财型保险,简称理财险 英文翻译为Financial type insurance;问题一银行理财产品的英语翻译 th e bank financing products to deal with UK visa,bank Bank wealth management products in water products to buy, managment products has expire,managment products ,how about;一个聪明且有效的管理决策,会增加公司的股价和股东的财富这种财富的增加可以达到股东想要的任何目的他们可以给慈善机构捐助或在高档的夜总会消费,他们可以凭借个人喜好,无论是保存或消费掉他们的股票更有价值他们就可以;理财专区 Financing Counter Financing Area 说明 1专区,专门柜台,areacounter,非要用special则画蛇添足 2理财,financing足以 供参;你不理财,财不理你,If you don#39t finance,you will have no finances注前一个finance为动词,理财,后一个finance为名词,财源,资金理财 finance动词。

3、翻译成英文就是 financial practice 缩写的话暂时没有看到有,倒是理财规划师有缩写是CFP,全称 certified financial planner;th e bank financing products to deal with UK visa,bank Bank wealth management products in water products to buy, managment products has expire,managment products ,how about products income;期权一种触碰失效期权knockout option,在标的资产市价升至约定水平时即失效的期权参见Option期权, Barrier Option界限期权A knockout option that is cancelled when the price of the underlying instrument。

4、money The field of finance deals with the concepts of time, money, risk and how they are interrelated It also deals with how money is spent and budgeted至于如何翻译,只能说要“信雅达”了;if such a financing tool can be invented which can achieve the balancing point of the risk and return, which can make the lowincome families afford the investment money and give them a more stable and;本文作者为“冰蛊”,作文地带将如何理财一文放出来供大家参考,与作者一起分享英语写作的快乐Joozone Note本文作者为“冰蛊”,作文地带将如何理财一文放出来供大家参考,与作者一起分享英语写作的快乐#8205#8205。


5、不同银行有不叫法,有叫Sales Service Centre All In One Financial Solution eBanking Private Banking;请采纳,谢谢;理财经理 Financing Manager financial就是通常公司的财务经理,而financing有理财之意。

